Monday, August 10, 2009

Accidental Tea Photo Shoot

The extent of my obsession.


珠絵 said...

yessss. i'm also pretty addicted to tea. One of my favorites = black tea with some raspberry syrup mixed in and a little bit of honey.

Bridget said...

That sounds FANTASTIC... Especially the raspberry syrup part, I'll have to pick some up and give it a try. I grabbed a mini Keurig for my dorm as well. PERFECT for tea.

珠絵 said...

Haha, its sooo good! My mom and I usually have mother-daughter bonding time from making tea concoctions from green/black tea mixed with random fruity syrups/jam/herbs.
We should totally have tea parties once school starts. :)

Bridget said...

Oh SO many tea parties! We'll experiment!