Thursday, December 24, 2009


separation |ˌsepəˈrā sh ən|nounthe action or state of moving or being moved apartthe division of something into constituent or distinct elements
Pfft. Who says you can't cut off fingers. Well actually... Everyone.
I guess what i've come up with could be used as a spark to an ongoing project, i really like the way these
photos came out. It all revolves around the state of separation. Whether it be (the obviously implied)
color, race, or (delving further) simply two people that, revolve around each other, but never touch
 It could be a separation of ideals, of ideas that are read as either black or white--but sometimes need to
register at middle grey. It could be a physical separation of distance, time--or an emotional separation
from the rest of humankind. The idea--the state of separation will always exist, and each separation and
source of seperation will ultimatly differ from person to person. Its about recognizing that separation exists
--making it easier to weave back into an interlacing midpoint.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Older Chests

Older chests reveal themselves, like a crack in a wall
Starting small, and grow in time. And we all seem to
need the help of someone else, to mend that shelf
of too many books.

Its odd, feeling stuck between two places you call home. This bedroom was my safe haven--now it feels like i'm
floating amidst boxes that will never be fully unpacked. Where do I belong? Oh, I'm just overanalyzing again... But
who do you run to at 3:14 am when the world has gone to bed? Who do you talk to when you can't seem to
expel any words from your frustrated mouth? You lie awake until your eyelids can't possibly exert any
more flutters, you delve into music that lets your brain rest for a moment. You let go. Maybe the one thing I
have yet to learn how to do in my eighteen years of living is to simply--let go. I've spent years of my life holding
onto baggage I can't seem to unpack, just like the luggage filled room that is strewn out in front of me. Why?
I need to find space to put everything.
I need to find a release--and I think I'm beginning to conceptualize it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


"You choose, you choose poetry over prose."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Damaged Casting

Elephant skin: Hardened, solid crevices. Markings upon grey like a map. Every inch, scarification from
The hardness you hold within your heart

Elephant eyes. Pools of soft benevolence. Windows tunneling to the soul. Every glance, chills radiating within
The tissue that holds the thick of your bones.